Southern Boy in ChiTown

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Dad update

Part of the reason for taking a long weekend last weekend was to get up to the NC mountains to see Dad in Asheville. Unfortunately our Friday night flight didn't get us home until about 3am Saturday morning. We did go ahead and drive up Saturday night and then spent a few hours with him in the hospital on Sunday before driving back to Chapel Hill. He's continuing to improve, more slowly than he'd like sometimes but still improving. He was a lot more comfortable than we were as he'd picked up a hospital-common resistant staph infection which meant we had to be gowned and gloved while in the room (and I HATE the gloves). But he does seem to finally be healing, he's getting some strength back (although he and his physical therapist are still having it out) and certainly seems to feel better in general than he has in months. There's a chance he could be home in another week or so but as he said, he wants to make sure this is really better - he ain't going to go through this again!


  • ditto, I wondered what had happened to you. Glad things are progressing with your dad.

    took me a while to figure out who Southern boy was. I'm not too quick on the uptake

    Cindy L

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:52 AM  

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