Dessert Awesomeness
I haven't been a big dessert eater the past few years as I've tried to lose weight and then keep it off. But when we ate dinner at City Beverage with G and D last Friday, the temptation was too great. They went for the chocolate creme brulee which, given the sighs coming from their end of the table, was apparently really, really good. I, however, after being exiled to the land of Dunkin' Donuts these last few weeks, went for the Krispy Kreme bread pudding. Yes you read that right and it was just as decadently wondrous as you might expect. Oh, and a scoop of mocha ice cream on the side.
My, my.
My, my.
I think my thighs expanded just by reading the phrase "Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding."
Please post a Spam-A-Lot review, please ... so jealous.
By mapgirl, at 11:13 PM
Krispy Kreme bread pudding?
Whoa. A brave new world that has such dishes in it.
By Anonymous, at 6:49 PM
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