Southern Boy in ChiTown

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Trump Tower

Here ya go, Brad...

The top photo is what it looks like today as it really starts to look like something. Chicago is the true land of the skyscraper and people here care deeply about their tall buildings and their old buildings, but no one seems to lament the passing of the old Sun-Times horror that was torn down for the Trump. The bottom is an artist's rendering of the view down Wabash - I don't have a problem with the building itself (it looks sorta like a rounded off Sears Tower) but the siting really changes the viewscape from Near North in a way I have real problems with, primarily in that it blocks the view of 35 Wacker Drive from the north (the only clear vantage) and I think that's a real shame.


  • It's actually more a stack of parallelograms, with the two acute angles rounded off. It reminds me a bit of a streamlined Sears Tower.

    By Blogger Tony Plutonium, at 10:13 PM  

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